Boom @ the International Short Film Festival Detmold / 22:00 Block 6/ 23.10.2020, Stadthalle Detmold/ GERMANY
22:00 Block 6
“The fatal meeting of Charlie Hebdo and Marie Antoinette” Wilda Wahnwitz / Germany
“BOOM” Leyla Rodriguez /Argentina
“WAY BACK” Per Kasch /South Africa/ Switzerl
“PROOF” Nora Jaenicke / USA
“W” Stelios Koupetoris/ Greece
“HEATSTROKE ” Edgar Morais / Portugal/ USA
“The Administration of the Internet” Simon Schares/ Germany
“After the Beep” Florian Bison/ USA
“400 MPH” Paul-Eugène Dannaud, Julia Chaix, Lorraine Desserre, Alice Lefort/ France