DAS ESSZIMMER goes Platforms Project@Art Athina | 26. – 29. Mai 2016 , Art-Athina Moraitini 2, Faliro Pavillion Hellenic Olympic Properties, Palaio Faliro 175 61 International Contemporary Art Fair of Athens/ GREECE

Mechenstrasse 25
D – 53129 Bonn
+49 (0)228 538 766 12
Art Athina 2016
Platforms Project@Art Athina 2016
May 26 – 29, 2016
Wir zeigen:
>> Cut the Fence, ein Kunstprojekt der Schweizer Künstler Copa&Sordes | presstext
>> Skype-Gespräche mit einigen KünstlerInnen aus vergangenen Ausstellungen
>> Alle bisherigen Esszimmer-Publikationen, digitale Künstlerportfolios und eine Auswahl an Videos
Teilnehmende KünstlerInnen:
Mechenstrasse 25
D – 53129 Bonn
+49 (0)228 538 766 12
Art Athina 2016
Platforms Project@Art Athina 2016
May 26 – 29, 2016
Wir zeigen:
>> Cut the Fence, ein Kunstprojekt der Schweizer Künstler Copa&Sordes | presstext
>> Skype-Gespräche mit einigen KünstlerInnen aus vergangenen Ausstellungen
>> Alle bisherigen Esszimmer-Publikationen, digitale Künstlerportfolios und eine Auswahl an Videos
Teilnehmende KünstlerInnen:
Adam Knight (London, UK) | Alfredo Ramos (Havana, Cuba; Berlin, Germany) | Andreas Marti (Zurich, Switzerland) | Christine de la Garenne (Berlin, Germany) | Christoph Dahlhausen (Bonn, Germany) | Copa&Sordes (Basel, Switzerland) | Doris Schmid (Berlin, Germany) | Dorothee von Rechenberg (Basel, Switzerland) | Ine Lamers (Cologne, Germany) | Ingrid Roscheck (Cologne, Germany) | Katarzyna Badach (Havana, Cuba; Berlin, Germany) | Leyla Rodriguez (Hamburg, Germany) | Liliane Freiermuth (London, UK; Zurich, Switzerland) | Magdalena Gerber (Geneva, Switzerland) | Maria Magdalene Z’Graggen (Basel, Switzerland) | Marianne Eigenheer (London, UK; Basel, Switzerland) | Marianne Halter (Zurich, Switzerland) | Michael Volkmer (Neuhofen, Germany)
| Monika Rechsteiner (Basel, Switzerland; Berlin, Germany) | Perrine Lacroix (Lyon, France) | Petra Egg (Vienna, Austria) | Rainer Barzen (Cologne, Germany) | Sibylle Feucht (Bonn, Germany) | Stöckerselig (Basel / Zurich, Switzerland)
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Art Athina | Platforms Project 2016, curated by Artemis Potamianou
Platforms Project @ Art Athina was started in 2013 with the aim of charting artistic action as it is generated by the collective initiatives of artists who decide to create the so-called platforms and jointly pursue the answers to their artistic concerns. Since then it has become integral to Art Athina as an institution that reflects its genuinely international character.
Platforms Project @ Art-Athina 2016 will be featuring 51 major platforms and art-group events from 17 countries, involving over 650 artists and making up a programme which will attempt to offer visitors an insight into artistic creation and the experience of collaboration in the artistic practice without focusing on sales.
Cut the Fence
Cut the Fence | cut and donate!
Cut the Fence is an initiative of the Swiss artists Copa & Sordes and the art space bblackboxx in Basle (CH) launched 2013, to spread the idea of cutting down the fences in refugee politics.
>> Art Athina generously supports the project presentation in Athens.
The art space bblackboxx is situated nearby a refugee camp and deportation center in Basle (CH), where refused refugees are imprisoned, expecting their deportation. The art project Cut the Fence is opposing this practice. A copy of the 657 meters fence, surrounding the camp and the deportation center, was printed with a specially designed fence pattern on 657m African damask fabric. – African damask, also called Bazin, is produced in Germany and Austria nearby the Swiss border. It is an exclusive product for the African market, so to speak for countries where many of the refugees in the deportation center originally fled.
By inviting everybody to cut the fence, the project postulates the symbolic destruction of not only the fence in Basle, but of every fence, built to prevent refugees from entering other countries.
By inviting everybody to cut the fence, the project postulates the symbolic destruction of every fence, built to prevent refugees from entering other countries.
During Platforms Project 20 meters of the fabric fence can be cut in exchange for a donation. 100% of the raised money is going to Athens Community Polyclinic and Pharmacy (ACP&P) (short: KIFA). It is a solitary association initiated by volunteering physicians, dentists, pharmacists and other who provide medical first-level treatment free of charge. One of the founders, Lena Kougea and Anina Jendreyko (founder of Volksbühne Basel and Solidarity for Greece in Switzerland), will be present during the opening of Art Athina on May 26, 2016 as well as a representative of Copa&Sordes (Basel, Switzerland).
Das Athener soziale Gesundheitszentrum und Apotheke (griechisches Akronym, KIFA) wurde 2013 in Folge einer in solchem Ausmaß bis dato nie gesehenen finanziellen, humanitären und gesellschaftlichen Krise gegründet. Aufgrund seiner prekären finanziellen Lage, war der Zugang für einen großen Teil der Bevölkerung dem öffentlichen Gesundheitssystem praktisch verboten.
Leib und Seele des Zentrums sind freiwillige Ärzte, Zahnärzte, Apotheker und Bürger die ohne jegliche Gegenleistung eine medizinische und medikamentöse Grundversorgung gewährleisten.
Das KIFA ist kein NGO,nimmt jedoch Spenden in irgendeiner Art und Weise, sei es finanzielle Unterstülung oder einfach nur eine Tasche mit übriggebliebenen Medikamenten, dringend für seine 15000 Patienten benötigt sind.
Im 2016 ist KIFA der Bipe der Behörden entgegengekommen, und hat Ärzte, Medikamente und Freiwillige zur Versorgung der Flüchtlingen und Immigranten, unabhängig von Herkunft oder legalem Status, bereitgestellt.
The symbolic cutting of the fence has already taken place here:
bblackboxx, Basle (CH) | ein fenster inmitten der welt, Murrhardt (GER) | Gallery Lisi Hämmerle, Bregenz (AUT) | Fabrik culture, Hégenheim (F) | Art Bodensee, Dornbirn (AUT) | Cittadellarte, Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella (IT) | Reitschule, Bern (CH) | Keine Systeme, BlackBox, Kunstraum, Aarau (CH) | dock:, Basle (CH) | University of Art, Bern (CH) | Shedhalle, Z̈urich (CH) | Motorenhalle, Dresden (GER) | Involvement Requires Perception, Gasthaus zum Bären, Z̈urich (CH) | Mixer Kunst im Werk, Rheinfelden (GER) | Artisthouse S11, Solothurn (CH) | Textile Museum, St. Gallen (CH) | Zeughaus, Teufen (CH) | wemakeit, Kaufleuten, Z̈urich (CH)
26-29 MAY 2016
Thursday 26 May 17:00 – 22:00 VIP only
(by invitation only)
Friday 27 May 12:00 – 15:00 VIP only
(by invitation only)
15:00 – 21:00 General Public
21:00 – 23:00 Opening
(by invitation only)
Saturday 28 May 12:00 – 21:00 General Public
Sunday 29 May 12:00 – 21:00 General Public
Full price: €8
Concessions: €5 (students, people over the age of 65, unemployment card holders)
Free entrance for people with disabilities, children up to 18 years, members of the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece and the members of AICA
For groups over 10 people, please contact:info@art-athina.gr
Launched in 1993 by the Hellenic Art Galleries Association, Art-Athina has been promoting Greek contemporary art creation and has been established as a great meeting point for artists from the Greek and wider international community. It is now the biggest annual international visual art event in Greece.