Festival Miden screenings in Chios Calliope Artspace and Chios Photography Club Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 February 2013, 7pm For second year in a row, Festival Miden travels to Chios (a beautiful Greek island of Eastern Aegean Sea) with a selection of scree
Festival Miden screenings in Chios
Calliope Artspace and Chios Photography Club
Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 February 2013, 7pm
For second year in a row, Festival Miden travels to Chios (a beautiful Greek island of Eastern
Aegean Sea) with a selection of screening programs from the last edition of the festival as
presented in July 2012 in Kalamata. The screenings are organized by Calliope Artspace in co-
operation with Chios Photography Club.
Stavroula Baka, member of Festival Miden, will make an introduction and coordinate the
Festival Miden screenings in Chios
Calliope Artspace and Chios Photography Club
Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 February 2013, 7pm
For second year in a row, Festival Miden travels to Chios (a beautiful Greek island of Eastern
Aegean Sea) with a selection of screening programs from the last edition of the festival as
presented in July 2012 in Kalamata. The screenings are organized by Calliope Artspace in co-
operation with Chios Photography Club.
Stavroula Baka, member of Festival Miden, will make an introduction and coordinate the
event, which will take place on 2 and 3 Febuary 2013, with free entrance for the public.
Screening program:
Saturday 2/3, 7pm
YOU & i | curated by Maria Bourika | duration: 40′
StayStill | curated by Gioula Papadopoulou and Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos | duration: 25′
Now you see me… now you don’t | curated by Gioula Papadopoulou and Giorgos
Dimitrakopoulos | duration: 60′
The Game of Poverty | documentary by Ilias Marmaras/Dimitris Daldakis/Emmanouil
Koutsourelis | duration: 35′
Sunday 3/3, 7pm
Anim[n]ation | curated by Gioula Papadopoulou and Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos | duration:
Dream a little dream | curated by Gioula Papadopoulou and Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos |
duration: 61′
Address: Amantou 26, 1st floor (behind the Public Library of Chios)
Info: www.festivalmiden.gr | info@festivalmiden.gr
Screening programs / Artists :
Saturday 2/3, 7pm
YOU & i | curated by Maria Bourika | duration: 40′
A program that highlights you (in capital letters) and shrinks the “i” (in lowercase form)? Interpersonal relations, subversions, conflicts that move from loneliness to humor and from cruelty to playfulness. Is it a matter of winning?
1. Andres Cuartas, Fountain, Colombia 2011, 0.46 2. Carolin Weinert, The fall, Germany 2008, 9.47 3. Ioanna Myrka, daily 7, Greece 2002, 1.00 4. Kim Yunna, You and Me, US/Korea 2011, 3.22 5. Aggeliki Bozou, Sacrifice, Greece 2011, 4.41
6. Evy Schubert, Penthesilea (Pathology), Germany 2011, 8.47 7. Mario Spiroglou, Teddy Burn, Greece 2011, 7.32 8. Christina Stratsiani, Dress, Greece 2011, 1.44 9. Ellen Wilkinson, Ciara Mahon & Laura Bel, That’s all it took, UK 2008, 1.43
StayStill | curated by Gioula Papadopoulou and Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos | duration: 25′
1. Teeter-totter-tam (Constantine Konovalov & Irina Neustroeva), Teeter-Totter-Tam, Russia 2010, 1.00
2. Hillerbrand+Magsamen, DIY Love Seat, USA 2011, 2.30 3. Thanasis Tsimpinis, MINE, Greece 2012, 3.00 4. Munir Waked, In Between, Israel/UK 2011, 2.39 5. Yu-Chi Hsiao, Under the surface series 1, Taiwan 2011, 2.51
Personal worlds that perpetually intercross creating intimate and social relations and back to
personal worlds again. Threads being unraveled while maintained in a strange stillness defying
their even more strange environment.
6. Nina Kurtela, TRANSFORMANCE, Germany/Croatia 2010, 8.15 7. Leyla Rodriguez & Cristian Straub, Isle Of Lox “The Face” Germany 2010, 3.54
Now you see me… now you don’t | curated by Gioula Papadopoulou and Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos | duration: 60′
Snapshots, memories, spaces, movements and images that float between poetry and literacy, between absence and presence. Through darkness and threat we move spirally to color and light and back again.
1. Jonas Nilsson, Comfortably numb, Sweden 2011, 2.45 2. Jonathan Moss, NYC I – Times Square, France 2011, 5.34 3. Draga Jovanovic, Your Self is a reflection of Myself, Canada 2011, 7.00 4. Matt Frieburghaus, Song, USA 2010, 3.02 5. Fred. L’Epée, In Exilum, Switzerland/ Greece 2012, 3.04 6. Bill Balaskas, Parthenon Rising (II), UK 2011, 2.45 Courtesy of Kalfayan Galleries (Athens –
7. Santiago Parres (EZO), Dove, Spain 2011, 2.40 8. Edyta Masior, (un)natural disaster, Greece 2009, 1.13 9. Georgia Lale, Poppy – Lale, Greece 2011, 2.49 10. Jude Anogwih, Stop, Nigeria 2009, 2.05 11. Alexander Miehle, PopUp-Windows, Germany 2011, 2.45 12. Vesna Milicevic, Blossom, Serbia 2012, 1.15 13. Gérard Cairaschi, Silences, France 2012, 11.30 14. JimJak, HitMeDarkly, Spain 2011, 2.54 15. Anny Pavlidou, Trophic chain, Greece 2009, 0.43 16. Shaun Wilson, Uber Memoria XXI #01, Australia 2012, 1.00
The Game of Poverty | duration: 35′
The game of poverty: a documentary by Ilias Marmaras/Dimitris Daldakis/Emmanouil Koutsourelis (Greece 2011)
This video documentary is based on a radio documentary directed by Emmanouil Koutsourelis and written by Ilias Marmaras and Dimitris Daldakis. The radio version was nominated for the Prix Europa 2011 in Berlin.
Dimitris Daldakis explains the concept of the documentary:
“Poverty seems to follow man unwaveringly. Since his early days until today and, despite his bright conquests in experience and in science, he continues to form societies that are unjust, aggressive and fragmented. We discover that the basic, deepest goal of man is to amass an abundance of wealth at the expense of his fellow man. We discover that at the carefully staged and carried out rivalries produced by Religion, Politics and Economy, in a word, by any type of power, there are, always, a few gorged winners and countless hungry losers. We discover that it is not the natural game of survival that defines us, but a sophisticated game of exploitation and, in the end, of misery. In our times, repeatedly and in all the more alarming frequency, we see the word crisis coming up. Crisis means poverty. The distinctive face of poverty comes again to remind us of Man.
(…) Amidst this frame context of finance fashion, we have forgotten the meaning of primary needs. And so we, all, poor players, found ourselves betting on who is to crumble down and who is to remain standing.
Anim[n]ation | curated by Gioula Papadopoulou and Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos | duration: 100′
Animation in multiple versions & techniques is a common global language. Animators from 20 countries meet in an extra program of Festival Miden, which was screened for the first time in the frame of Kalamata Street Festival, an alternative youthful event realized by Kalamata’s Youth Center.
In this background of generalized concern for the future of modern man, of the generalized
concern for the future of modern Europe, Ilias Marmaras and Dimitris Daldakis present the
video documentary ‘The Game of Poverty’.”
Sunday 3/3, 7pm
1. Teeter-totter-tam (Constantine Konovalov & Irina Neustroeva), I LOOK&MOVE, Russia 2011, 1.30
2. Max Hattler, Aanaatt, Germany/Japan/UK 2008, 4.45 3. Sara Cunha, Wandering, Portugal 2011, 0.57 4. Yair Gordon, The Black Box, Israel 2011, 4.17 5. Lucija Mrzljak, Bird, Croatia 2011, 5.07
6. NOMINT, Tonight, Greece 2011, 2.05 7. Pablo Rosero, Nebula Hmlovina, Equador 2011, 6.07 8. Payal Kapadia, Weapons of Mass Destruction, India 2012, 3.00 9. Alexandr Isaenko, Calendar, Ukraine 2012, 3.51
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
Carl Knickerbocker, SP#3, USA 2011, 3.00 Barbara Marcel, A tooth is a tooth is a tooth, Germany 2011, 5.00 Max Hattler, 1925 aka Hell, Denmark/Germany/UK 2010, 1.36 Mazlo Chloe, Word in progress, France 2010, 4.20 Emilio Rizzo, Tales for a Sleepless Solitude… “The Story of Dreams”, Italy 2009, 2.38 Malcolmo (Marco Tavolaro), The Water That Didn’t Fall, Italy 2008, 2.07 Tomasz Wlaźlak, Tableau Vivant, Poland 2011, 1.20 Sandra Ghosn, Bombs, France/Lebanon 2011, 5.30 Gerald Zahn, The tourists arrive!, Austria 2012, 6.40 Eleni Miltsi, Abeyance, Greece 2011, 6.31 Teresa Paiva, Unquiet, UK/Netherlands/Portugal 2011, 7.00 Henning M. Lederer, MASS, Germany 2011, 5.58 Emilios Theofanous, Spare Parts, Greece 2009, 3.55 Benjamin Fox, Wounds, UK 2012, 2.38 Susanne Wiegner, At the museum, Germany 2012, 3.00 Galazoula Maria, Ήλιος, Greece/Poland 2011, 0.44 Ana Ogrin, Turn off your brain!, Slovenia 2012, 3.40
Dream a little dream | curated by Gioula Papadopoulou and Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos | duration: 61′
Contemporary animation in the era of internet becomes even more popular among creators and audience alike. Original techniques and polymorphous approaches in works that have a strong intention of outlining a personal universe.
1. Shayma Aziz, Love Dance, Egypt 2011, 5.05 2. Yam Lau, Rehearsal, Canada 2010, 3.45 3. Melinda Šefcic, Masks – Mirror of my soul, Croatia 2012, 3.36 4. Karolien Soete, Prolegomena, Belgium 2011, 7.32
5. Anna Ampariotou, Scissor’s stories III, Greece 2011, 5.34 6. Eva Olsson, On non-freehold property, Sweden 2011, 3.02 7. Dennis Stein-Schomburg, Different, Germany 2011, 4.30 8. Joanna Kidd, Letters, USA 2010, 1.45 9. Maria Korporal, Avgerinos & Poulia, Italy 2011, 7.00 10. Sofia Archontidou, Tree, Poland/Greece 2009, 1.00 11. Petros Koublis, In Limbo, Greece 2011, 8.16 12. Nadine Arbeiter, Living in a Bubble, Germany 2012, 3.05 13. Peter Parlegreco, Elk City’s 2010, USA 2010-11, 5.26 14. Aleksandra Obradovic, X-treme 1, 2 & 3, Serbia 2011, 1.50