We are so excited to welcome all of our November residents to the PAR Program! They will all be working with different tutors across several of our studio spaces. All their open studios will be at @nube_baja art space and we hope to see you there to share their experiences! @plmtztt is a visual artist from Chile specialized in sculpture. She will be working at @yerua_taller whilst being tutored by @guille_mena.
@leylox_ is an artist and filmmaker from Germany. Born in Argentina, she has returned to work with @nataliaforcada during her residency at PAR. ¡Estamos muy felices de darles la bienvenida a todxs nuestrxs residentes de noviembre al Programa PAR! Ellxs estarán trabajando con diferentes tutores en varios de nuestros espacios de estudio. Los estudios abiertos se realizarán en @nube_baja y esperamos verlos allí para compartir sus experiencias. @plmtzmtt es una artista visual chilena especializada en escultura. Trabajará en @yerua_taller bajo la tutoría de @guille_mena.